Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Black Mesa Genocide and John McCain

I won't claim credit for this story, but it is well worth repeating. Please click on this link:




And this Butcher of Black Mesa wants to become President????

UPDATE: Here's more:


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Black Mesa is Dineh sacred land, and McCain acted legislatively on behalf of Peabody Coal to relocate Dineh away from that land. Cite (1996) S. 1973 and S. 2111. Note please that the Hopi at the time had a council that were essentially puppets of Peabody, and it makes the whole thing look like a Dineh-Hopi conflict to hide the coal connection.


    A reprint of an article in Orion, which gives some nice background


    A Phoenix paper gives a great deal of background, and highlights the Hopi traditionalist/ Hopi council divide.

    So where did the Dineh go?

    Church Rock. It's downstream of a nuclear spill site.


    wow, I'm no nuclear expert, but those data make me crawl.


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